Past Events
Monday, April 20, 2020. 4 pm, Walnut
About this Event
Come bring your bags and pick up free bread courtesy of La Brea Bakery and Senator Ling Ling Chang.
Monday April 20
Christ the King Lutheran Church
555 Gartel Drive
Walnut CA 91789
From 4-6pm or until supplies run out.
Saturday, April 18, 2020. 9am, Seal Beach (POSTPONED)
About this Event
Join us as we attend "Save Our Beach" beach clean up in Seal Beach during Earth Day week! We are *not* in charge of this event but we will be attending as a group.
All attendees must RSVP at:
From the website:
We provide gloves, bags and pickers, so please bring a reusable water bottle, if you need one, so we make less trash. Our trash bags were donated by and were made from recycled plastic bottles. You’ll need to bring the bags back to the blue canopy and take out recycle items and then empty remaining trash into the blue dumpsters.
**no need to print out your confirmation ticket, we will check you off at the blue canopy!**
Saturday, March 14, 2020. 1-5 pm, Highland (POSTPONED)
About this Event
Join us for an afternoon to watch a screening of the movie "Trafficked" starring Ashley Judd and to hear from Producer Conroy Kanter.
AIB2B supports charities and causes that affect our community. The Sex Trafficking industry is a $150B industry globally and affects everyone young and old, male and female alike. Please join us in spreading awareness today.
Saturday, March 7, 2020. 1 pm, Irvine
Join us for an afternoon to hear about the realities of Communism in China. We will hear from various speakers on their experiences.
About this Event
Jennifer was born in Sichuan province, China in 1966. She was arrested four times and held as a prisoner of conscience in a labor camp for a year. In the camp, she was physically and mentally abused, and subjected to attempted brainwashing and electroshock treatment. She fled China in 2001 for Australia, wrote a book about her experiences, and eventually settled in the United States. There is also a documentary about her life. Jennifer is a producer for NTD-TV, a part of the Epoch Times media group.
Sunday, March 1, 2020. 2 pm, Orange
About this Event
In my capacity as the President of the Orange County lodge of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance, as well as the founder and president of Southern California’s Asian Industry B2B, it is my honor to endorse our incumbent Assemblyman, Steven Choi for California’s 68th Assembly District.
身为华裔美国公民联盟(CACA)橙县分会主席,以及Asian Industry B2B的创始人和总裁,我很荣幸地为加州第68众议院选区的现任议员Steven Choi进行背书。
A Strong Voting Record
While this may seem like a no-brainer for our organization which supports pro-family and pro-business values, we would also like to highlight the importance of a thorough rock-solid voting record supporting legislation that furthers these values, over many years. In this day and age, lawmakers have fallen in line to support terrible legislation such as AB-5, which severely limits the opportunities of part-time 1099 workers (the “gig” economy) and imposes unnecessary burdens on already-burdened businesses, or SB-277, which tramples on parental rights and health freedom by the promotion of aggressive vaccination schedules, or AB-329, which removes parental ability to set limits around children’s sexual education in public schools and AB-1482, which places restrictive chains on property owners. This type of legislation has received solid voting on the side of liberty from our incumbent, Steven Choi, who consistently votes against the overreach of government. We see no current alternative in the field that will be an upgrade.
在我们这个支持家庭和支持商业的组织眼里,通过立法投票来体现自己价值观是很自然的事,但我们仍然想跟大家强调,立法者多年来立场坚定一致的投票记录至关重要。现今,某些立法者已经打破底线去支持一些可怕的法案,比如AB-5, 严重限制兼职打工者(“零工经济”)的工作机会、给已经负担沉重的企业带来更多重负;或SB-277,推行过于激进的疫苗接种安排,践踏父母权利和健康自由; 或AB-329, 剥夺家长干预儿童在公立学校里被动接受激进性教育的权利;还有AB-1482,限制房产拥有者根据市场供需情况上调租金的权利。我们现任的众议员Steven Choi则一直坚定地反对此类型法案, 总是投票反对政府试图把手伸得过长,尽力保障民主自由。迄今AD68选区内,没有人能比他做得更好。
Solid Homegrown Experience & Track Record
Steven also has a great track record from local government to his current position in the State Assembly and over the years, has maintained integrity and good relationships with people around him. We cannot understate how important this is, as I have seen so many newcomers to politics exhibit the worst of humanity in their first campaigns. These rookie mistakes are embarrassing and damning to a person’s character, as they engage in false delusions of grandeur, down to promises of quid pro quo with power they don’t even currently possess, something I have observed in some candidates and campaigns this cycle, drunk on ego. I have no tolerance for this behavior and this has made my endorsement of Steven even more urgent. That said, for many years, Steven has exhibited none of the typical ego of many politicians, and remains down to earth and possesses a clear understanding of his role as a public servant, as well as exhibiting high ethical standards in the way he conducts himself in public and with the community. Experience and a track record matter in these urgent times, when one party has supermajority control and the minority checks and balances party needs solid fighters with as few unknowns as possible. Steven is a principled fighter and it is not time to switch him out for any other challenger, Republican or Democrat.
Chinese Voter Education
This early endorsement comes also as a wakeup call to my brothers and sisters in the Chinese community. The Chinese communities in Southern California are characterized by low voter turnout and overall tepid registration. Both my organizations work tirelessly towards an important goal of educating voters on the issues and the overall American political system. Many are coming from China, not understanding how the structure works, or the power and responsibility they possess with their vote. Every bubble is important. We have a duty to care about what we bubble in on our ballots, and our mission is not a race to register as many voters as possible, but to increase depth of understanding and nuance of the issues.
提前对Steven Choi做出背书也是对我华裔兄弟姐妹们的一种警醒。 南加州华裔社区的特点是投票率低和总体上寥寥可数的注册选民数量。 我所属的两个组织都在孜孜不倦地对选民进行有关重要议题和美国整体政治制度方面的教育,这是我们的重要工作目标。 许多人来自中国,他们不了解美国政治结构的运作方式,也不了解自身在投票中所拥有的权力和责任。 每个选项都很重要。 我们有责任去关心自己在选票上所做出的选择,而我们的使命不是要争取尽可能多的选民登记,而是要加深对议题的理解和细微差别。
Voting Chinese Without Vetting Candidates
Therefore, we warn everyone in the community, in Orange County and cities in the San Gabriel Valley with high Chinese immigrant populations, not to fall for a candidate that says “Vote for me because I’m Chinese” without any serious assessment and vetting. Understand the difference between the candidates’ platforms, but also their desire to educate. The ideal candidate should give you the tools and education to become more politically astute, not keep the Chinese in the dark through dismissing questions and acting like they know better (“leave the details to me”). This is a recipe for future corruption, as California has already demonstrated with a one-party state that keeps curtailing liberties because of voter apathy and one party allegiance. Examining our values requires thoughtful grappling of the issues and the goal is for the Chinese community to care. The more you understand, the more you care.
因此,我们敬告橙县和圣盖博谷大量中国移民聚居地的华裔社区中的每个人,切勿轻信那些大言不惭高喊“我是华裔,你就应该为我投票”的候选人,而不对他们认真加以评估和审核。 要多去了解候选人们竞选纲领之间的差异,以及他们是否有意愿对支持者进行分享和教育。好的候选人应该授人以渔,引导支持者对政治的理解更加明晰,而不是通过回避提问和避重就轻地含混应付(“细节只有我知道”),而把把华裔支持者局限于盲人摸象的黑暗境地。这就是未来腐败的滋生土壤。加州已经是一党独大了,由于选民的漠不关心,民主自由正在日渐削弱。检验我们的价值观需要对议题认真思考,其目的是让华裔开始关心。你懂的越多,你就会越发关心。
We must also assess the character of our candidates, and observe how they run their campaigns, how they manage money, and how they deal with their peers. These data points give a window to our candidates and allow us to make good decisions on how they will act when power is given to them as they head off to Sacramento as our representative. If at a campaign level, they cannot demonstrate humility and integrity, a desire to build bridges, to educate, to focus on what matters, to stay professional and productive, and to avoid the “politics as usual” games, then they may actually be reflecting dictatorial “politics as usual” in China, instead of traditional Chinese values of morality, discipline, mentorship, cooperation and harmonious relations. We must select a candidate who lives and breathes liberty and democracy, which means a heart for mentorship and educating communities instead of a hierarchical mindset. I stress to always vote our values first and the betterment of the America that most of us now call home. These values can be furthered by a Korean, a Caucasian, a Hispanic, it does not matter.
After watching campaigns for the 68th district in both the Republican and Democrat field over the last year, we are proud to endorse Steven Choi, as the only candidate with the integrity and solid background to represent us.
在仔细观察了加州68众议员选区、共和民主两党几位候选人一年来竞选情况之后,我们骄傲地对Steven Choi做出背书,因为他是该选区里唯一诚实可信赖的、具扎实功底、能够代表我们的候选人。
诚挚的 Sincerely,
Marc Ang
华裔美国公民联盟(C.A.C.A)橙县分会主席 (President of C.A.C.A. OC)
Asian Industry B2B创始人/总裁 (President/Founder of AIB2B)
Tuesday, February 25, 2020. 7 pm, Diamond Bar
About this Event
About Young Life
Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.
Our Mission: Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
Our Methods
We accomplish our mission by ...
- Praying for young people.
- Going where kids are and building personal relationships with them.
- Earning the right to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Providing fun, adventurous, life-changing and skill-building experiences.
- Inviting kids to personally respond to the Good News and walking in friendship with them regardless of their response.
- Preparing kids for a life-long relationship with Christ and a love for His word, His mission and the local church.
- Working in community alongside like-minded adults (volunteer leaders, committee members, donors and staff).
Our Values
- The Gospel — Living according to and communicating the whole gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Scripture — Acting under the authority of Scripture and relying on the Holy Spirit to empower our ministry.
- All Kids — Reaching adolescents of every ability and all economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
- Ecumenical — Collaborating with followers of Christ from various traditions and local churches worldwide.
- Diversity — Welcoming those whom God calls to our mission — men and women of all ethnicities and abilities who are committed to the common purpose of introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
- Health — Encouraging our staff and volunteers in their personal and spiritual health so we may minister out of a consistent and growing relationship with Christ and His followers.
- Stewardship — Observing the highest standards of stewardship of all the resources placed in our trust.
- The Next Kid — Developing innovative approaches to reach uncommitted, disinterested young people around the world
Saturday, February 22, 2020. 1 pm, Buena Park
About this Event
Born in Guangzhou, China in 1949, James Chiao is one of the three sons of famous Chinese folk composer Fei Chiao. James grew up during Mao’s Cultural Revolution where his parents, like most intellectuals, artists and musicians, were sent to work in labor camps and James was sent to a remote island to work as a farmer and fisherman. With the help of family, Chiao was able to leave China and immigrated to the United States in 1980. With his wife Lily, he built a successful business in Buena Park, CNL Mannequins, which sells to major department stores and fashion brands such as Macy’s Stores. While James was happy to be using his creative talents to design mannequins, he always yearned to fulfill the musical passions his parents instilled in him as a child.
Join us as a part of our Tour Series to hear James tell the amazing story of his journey from China to the United States.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020. 6 pm, Orange
Thursday, February 13, 2020. 11:30 am, Rowland Heights
About this Event
Please join us for a great luncheon. Only Supply Chain businesses. Anyone who registers that is not relevant will have their registration cancelled. We will qualify attendees.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020. 6 pm, Upland
Join us for our monthly tour at the premier filming studio in Upland. Our host CEO Gary Lawson is a Navy vet and Retired Professor. Come check out an amazing place to film your next launch video while also networking with the amazing nearby businesses.
As always, dinner is provided but please RSVP!
Saturday, February 1, 2020. 10 am, Glendale
About this Event
Asian Industry B2B(AIB2B), with USC Verdugo Hills Hospital as a venue host, is hosting a FREE community event to celebrate the variety of school choices available to residents in Pasadena, Glendale, Crescenta Valley, and beyond.
The educational options featured will include charter schools, private schools, christian schools, and homeschooling resources. Glendale Community College and Pasadena City College will be present to educate families about dual enrollment, trades, etc. Parents of every income bracket can find solutions to fit the needs of their children.
Our parent testimonials include Yul Gevargis, a father of a child with autism, who will talk about sB277 law mandating vaccinations. He will speak on responsible vaccinations and parental choices. Beatrice Cardenas, congressional candidate for the 27th district, will speak on her insights on the public school system, where 3 of her children are enrolled. AIB2B ambassador Analia Anderson, will speak from a homeschooling perspective on the importance of a faith based curriculum. Officer Gonzalez of Glendale Police Department will speak on Internet safety. How as parents we can protect our children from Internet predators, and focus on Internet safety.
Sticker booklets, retail value of $16.99, will be given out to attendees, thanks to Access Media Group.
Our sponsors, Compass Charter Schools will speak on the benefits of using taxpayer dollars to achieve a quality education. California School Choice will tell us about the "Educational Freedom Act" initiative going on the ballot.
The focus of AIB2B's Education Fair is to demonstrate the plethora of choices parents have for elementary, middle school, high school, and beyond.
Saturday, January 25, 2020. 11:30 am, Ontario
Join us as we are partnering with the Clippers in Ontario for a full-filled family-oriented Lunar New Year celebration.
11:30am - Special VIP performance for AIB2B participants (everyone welcome)
@Toyota Arena: 4000 East Ontario Center Parkway, Ontario, CA 91764
Join us as we are partnering with the Clippers in Ontario for a full-filled family-oriented Lunar New Year celebration.
***Member Exclusive***
Have your business featured on the basketball court RSVP directly to Marc:
Thursday, January 23, 2020. 6 pm, Irvine
About this Event
Thanks to VeteranStrong, we are calling veterans who are willing to help build the LA Rams stadium to be completed this August. No skills required and on the job training will be included - yes, even union dues!
Employment is not guaranteed. The job will begin immediate and will pay $15-20/hr with opportunity for growth. Because of the huge labor shortage, there is opportunity for future employment upon completion of the stadium.
About VeteranStrong:
VeteranStrong Educational Platform. (An International Enterprise)
VeteranStrong is an Educational platform to support TREE H&H Training, Reintegration, Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare & Housing.
Providing resources and services that apply to the Veteran/Reserve/Military Communities.
About Us: We are Veterans, helping Veterans. “Veteran Strong,” we are the personnel who were previously in uniform serving our country as the Soldier, the Airman or Airwoman, the Sailor, the Marine, the Coast Guardsmen, and are now part of the Veterans/Reserves/Military Community (VRMC). We are those who serve or served faithfully, without being asked to support and defend our great nation. We are the family members who stand or stood by and defend or defended our means for our Service members to come home too.
This site is dedicated to all those who defend or defended our great nation under Old Glory for our families. For God (or higher power) and Country, apple pie and the girl or boy next door. For the family down the street, the gas attendant, the grocery store cashier and the rest of those who supported us at home, “This we’ll defend” while we served near or abroad. It doesn’t matter, we serviced together faithfully. Thus, this is for us.
We provide valued propositions of services, products and/or solutions that the VRMC is looking for; and if we don’t have it, tell us and we”ll do what we can to find it for you. Whether it be a product, service or Community Service Solution Provider/Partner, we’ll do what we can to find you a solution. Please feel free to let us know what you would like to see, hear or something you may need. Let’s see what we can do to help.
Visit to learn more
Wednesday, January 22, 2020. 6 pm, Ontario
About this Event
Private Location will be sent out via email after RSVP.
Iron Eagle Mike - Published Author, Nutrition Coach
"Simple Weight Loss With Intermittent Fasting"
Demonstration by Lisa McElroy "Natural Makeup To Remove Bags Under Your Eyes"
Sunday, January 12, 2020. 12:30 pm, Irvine
OC Shaolin Kung Fu was established in 2014 by Master Shi Yanqing. Authorized by Shaolin Abbot Shi Yong Xing, Master Yanqing, a 34th generation Shaolin Temple Kung Fu monk, opened up this facility.
The facility teaches kids and adults Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Shaolin Qi Gong, Kung Fu Health Cultivation, Shaolin Zen and hosts a Summer Camp. Shaolin Kung Fu promotes a healthy lifestyle, balancing the mind and body through a combination with Kung Fu Zen, clearing one's heart, connecting with the true self, and meeting a volatile and dynamic world with a still heart.
Come watch a special performance by Master Yanqing and his students.
RSVP required. Lunch provided.
Saturday, January 11, 2020. 1 pm, Santa Ana
Wednesday, January 8, 2020. 11:30 am, Rowland Heights
Friday, December 6 - December 22, 2019. Multiple Dates/Times, Walnut.
AIB2B is thrilled to partner with City Blessing Church to host the 6th annual "Christmas Lights" show that has garnered attendance of tens of thousands from all over the country and boasts over ONE MILLION lights.
The show will happen every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from December 6th to 22nd during multiple time slots. Attendees will be able to visit vendors and prayer tents around the amphitheater.
Take a stroll up Miracle Hill to capture the beautiful light displays this Christmas season!
Friday - 4 shows - 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:15
Saturday - 6 shows - 6:00, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 9:00, 9:30
Sunday - 4 shows - 6:00, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15
Media and VIPs are invited to opening night on November 23rd. Must show credentials.
***Attention!! To help us ensure everyone's safety: NO Large bags, NO Backpacks, NO Pets may be brought to the venue. Thank you!
Thursday, December 19th, 2019. 6 pm, Orange
As an incentive, we are providing free pizza to early arrivals at 6 pm (the hearing begins at 7 pm). There will also be t shirts for the early RSVPs.
Wednesday, December 18th, 2019. 11 am, Irvine
Calling all Pastors! We are treating Pastors (thank you American Renewal Project!) to a delicious luncheon as we hear about the importance of engaging your congregation on issues of the day. Come meet brothers and sisters in Christ.
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019. 6:15 pm, Hemet
AIB2B has worked with Aspire school and the Community Outreach Ministry to bring a great STEM robotics program which has engaged the kids. Aspire dares to aspire and to teach skills to kids, such as mechanics and trade skills that are actually the most lacking in our workforce today. Not every child needs to fit into a liberal arts degree. Please support education diversity and impactful skills being taught with our education dollars (taxpayer funded public programs)!
Saturday, December 14th, 2019. 1 pm, Orange
Come for an afternoon to watch a private screening of "Unplanned" featuring a panel discussion to learn more about the movement.
Wednesday, December 11th, 2019. 5 pm, Newport Beach
As an organization we strongly believe in free speech and dissemination of ideas into public consciousness to add nuance and depth to understanding of controversial issues.
We are against the mandates on vaccinations by the state but we believe that responsible vaccinations are necessary, taking into account each child, similar to an IEP.
We will support films that inspire audiences to research and gain nuance regardless of whether or not we agree.
Please note that only donors and serious activists are welcome.
Suggested donation of $100 directly to Andy's 501c3 ($25 minimum)
Friday, December 7, 2019. 2pm Walnut.
About this Event
Join AIB at our two reserved tables for an awesome Christmas play. We have 14 spots available for MEMBERS ONLY. A ticket does not mean you are admitted. Everyone must be confirmed via email.
Sunday, November 17, 2019. 2 pm, Walnut
Come join us for an afternoon of volunteer training to help put up the most famous light show in Southern California!
Saturday, November 16, 2019. 6 pm, Fullerton
Looking back on AIB2B's incredible third year, growing to new heights and impacting hundreds of thousands of people in Southern California in reach, from online marketing to real life events.
We will combine our veteran's celebration (3rd annual) with our holiday gala (2nd annual) as we celebrate successful passage of the Congressional Gold Medal bill for Chinese veterans through our fearless member, Betty Tom Chu (author of bill).
Quilts of Valor will be present to award personalized quilts to our veterans of all races and a delicious gourmet dinner will be served.
A portion of proceeds will go to our favorite 501(c)3, Words of Comfort Hope and Promise, which helps marines and their families in Camp Pendleton.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019. 6 pm, Costa Mesa
"Unplanned" will be shown in its entirety, followed by a panel of women who will speak on abortion and the medical and emotional realities.
"Unplanned" was a blockbuster success, opening up an important discussion on this generation's lack of understanding of the breadth of options available to women with unplanned pregnancies. After viewing the movie, we will feature a panel discussion including a mother who has had abortions in the past and a candid discussion on the realities not often discussed by the current prevailing culture. Knowledge is power. Know your options.
Monday, November 4, 2019. 5:30 pm, Santa Ana
About this Event
Action oriented people: please come and make phone calls and walk our final precincts to support Gale Oliver and Gisela Contreras.
Thursday, October 31, 2019. 10 am, San Bernardino
About this Event
Amazon offers this tour free of charge and AIB2B is not affiliated with Amazon. We are simply a group of curious cats and fans who would like to learn more about the largest online retailers and how they can ship out items within two days after you click "buy" on their website.
Guidelines & Requirements:
- Children under 6 are not permitted.
- Government issued ID required for all guests above 18 years of age. Examples include: Drivers Licenses, Passports, Residency Cards.
- Attire. All guests must wear flat, closed-toed and closed-heeled shoes (no sandals, clogs or high heels). We recommend wearing comfortable shoes/sneakers. Additionally, long hair must be pulled above/about shoulder length. Loose fitting clothing (long-hanging jewelry, scarves, and ties) are not permitted.
- Arrive early. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your tour start time.
- Personal belongings. Guests may bring their keys, wallet, and cellphones on the tour. Other personal items, including luggage, briefcases, handbags, and backpacks are not allowed on the tour due to the safety concern of having these items around moving machinery on the operations floor.
- Cameras, video, or recording devices of any kind are strictly prohibited.
- No food allowed.
- Transparent water bottles are allowed.
- Weapons are not permitted.
- Accessibility. Our facilities are ADA compliant.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019. 10:30 am, Corona
About this Event
We'll be purchasing ammo and renting the lane which shouldn't be more than $50 or so. Come meet and network with other gals who love to shoot for fun or self defense.
Sunday, October 20, 2019. 3 pm, Santa Ana
Come meet Pastor Gale Oliver who is running for Santa Ana City Council. It's more important now than ever to have leaders in our cities who understand the challenges of its citizens. Pastor Gale has been immensely influential in advocating against sex trafficking, outreaching to our prison inmates, and helping to solve the homelessness that has grown so rampant in our city. He is certainly not "out of touch" and is the kind of candidate that we trust to use his power in the community for those who need it most.
Join us on October 20 to get to know Santa Ana's next city councilman, Pastor Gale Oliver!
Saturday, October 19, 2019. 11:30 am, Buena park
Come join us for an afternoon of learning and exploring new and old ways of health and wellness derived from Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, and Indian cultures. Bring an open mind and open heart to glean all that our community expert businesses have to offer.
The AIB2B Health and Wellness Festival was a success, drawing in hundreds of people from the community to Buena Park. We are thankful for former assemblywoman and 39th congressional candidate Young Kim for her attendance and interacting with every booth. AIB2B's Health and Wellness lead Sherill Franklin served as the MC for this event.
We would like to specifically thank Suja for providing tasty & healthy drinks as we gave away every single bottle throughout the day. Senator Ling Ling Chang provided hand sanitizer, sunglasses, stress balls and popular expandable dog bowls. A big thank you to The Source OC for hosting the event, and the Korean Harvest Festival for sharing the space and the stage with us, providing programming of Korean performances and K-Pop.
We also want to thank all of the vendors and sponsors, including Tenor By Night: James Chiao, 24 Hour Fitness, Lifewave, Norwex, JAR Insurance, Guan Yin Citta, City of Hope, Vital Proteins, Lincoln Club, Rose Hills, Iron Eagle Mike, Forest Lawn, Arbonne, Jeunesse and Avacen for their innovative and helpful health and wellness related products, CBD was a main feature as we featured CBDelight and Nerovana both companies on the cutting edge of this growing industry.
Saturday, October 19, 2019. 10 am, Diamond Bar
Come check out Diamond Bar's latest innovative business which teaches kids to learn STEM using ROBOTS!! Celebrating Member York Cai of Epitome Academy's second educational business.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019. 6 pm, Newport Beach
Executives share best practices and industry trends in this exclusive Newport Beach meeting. You will be joined by only peers in international business, entertainment, technology, and financial services. Please note that only CEOs of $1 million revenue are eligible to attend. This is a targeted small group (maximum 15).
Dinner will be provided. Space is limited
Saturday, October 12, 2019. 9 am, Walnut
The City of Walnut and the volunteer Festival Committee invite you to join us as we celebrate all that makes Walnut special!
The Festival highlights include an Opening Procession, Live Entertainment, Kid’s Fun Zone (with rides, games, petting zoo, kiddy train ride, and other attractions), Food Booths, Arts & Crafts vendors as well as a variety of service clubs, youth organizations, businesses, and environmental services.
Join us for a day of fabulous food, terrific entertainment, wonderful exhibits and lots of fun! Call the Walnut Community Services at (909) 598-5605 for more information. We expect to have a wonderful turnout and hope you can join us!
Featured Fun: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm:
- Opening Procession (9:00 am)
- FREE attractions for Kids (Inlflatbles, games, petting zoo, train rides)
- Game area with prizes
- Live entertainment and community performances
- Food Court
- Crafts and Activities
- Booths featuring arts, crafts, businesses, and community groups
-City information booths
Entertainment Schedule on the Valley Vista Services Main Stage:
The 2019 Festival entertainment schedule will be posted closer to the event date.
Where To Park
- Walnut High School (400 N. Pierre Rd.)
- Walnut Senior Center (21215 La Puente Rd.)
- LA County Library (21155 La Puente Rd.)
- Walnut Gymnasium (21003 La Puente Rd.)
- Walnut Parking Lot A (20983 La Puente Rd.)
- Suzanne Middle School (525 Suzanne Rd.)
Wednesday, October 2, 2019. 6 pm, Chino
*** Due to a medical emergency, this event has been postponed. Stay tuned. ***
Asian Industry B2B is proud to endorse Chino City Councilman Paul Rodriguez, a man of the community and focused on practical solutions for the city, focusing on important concerns such as supporting small businesses, allievating traffic problems and promoting quality education in a fast growing city. We are excited to work with the Portuguese community and Chino Valley DES to host this event in their beautiful space. This will be a great opportunity to get to know Paul and to fellowship with great people.
Sunday, September 29, 2019. 3 pm, Lake Forest
Come join us for an afternoon of getting to know the latest and greatest in education for children. Magikid in Lake Forest is taking learning to the next dimension. They use Virtual Reality and technology to teach children math and sciences while also tapping into their creative side! This visit is a must for any parent with children from ages 3-14.
At Magikid Robotics Lab, kids prepare for the future by learning about the technology of tomorrow. Our Group Classes, Camps, Special Events, and Private Coaching Sessions teach STEAM in an exciting and supportive environment. Students learn how to build a wide variety of robots, code them using various programming languages, and even get to experience the world of Virtual Reality!
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math!
VR stands for Virtual Reality. AR stands for Augmented Reality.
Sunday, September 29, 2019. 10:30 am, San Jacinto
We are meeting at a Denny's nearby, then carpooling over to the hemp site. The tour will last about 50 mins and you can ask any question you'd like. Goodie bags will be handed out onsite with some cool CBD products!
The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 was a proposed law to remove hemp (defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC) from Schedule I controlled substances and making it an ordinary agricultural commodity. Its provisions were incorporated in the 2018 United States farm bill that became law on December 20, 2018.
We will be going to the 1st licensed hemp farm in Riverside County.
It is a 20 acres grow operation in San Jacinto, we get to tour and see the plants ready to be harvest after our tour, so they are all pretty nice and tall with flowers.
Hemp – cousin to marijuana contains high CBD, a non psychoactive compound that promise many medical value and potentials.
Sunday, September 29, 2019. 12 pm, Anaheim
Come see the Angels vs. the Astros. There are 4 tickets for members to claim.
Saturday, September 28, 2019. 3 pm, Santa Ana
Come and meet Candidate and Pastor Gale Oliver, who has worked in the community for many years, helping uplift lives through meaningful action. Address will be provided after you RSVP.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019. 6 pm, Oceanside
Words of Comfort, Hope & Promise (WOCHP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that partners with the American public to provide a wide range of military outreach support.
We accomplish this through:
- Supporting our military and Chaplains serving overseas with care packages
- Supporting Wounded Warriors and their families at Camp Pendleton
- Supporting LES (Leadership Education Seminars) with a donation for military spouses to attend a 3 day conference at Okinawa, Japan.
- Providing snacks and toiletry bags for single Marines/Sailors' homecoming
- Sponsoring our annual 3rd Tracks Gator Beach Bash and Christmas parties at Camp Pendleton
- Supporting gifts for baby showers
- Supporting Chaplains with coffee and desserts for Marines/Sailors
- Supporting military families during crisis
- Assisting military families who need appliances and home furnishing
- Providing school supplies for military children
- Bonding with the entire military family, developing friendships and providing moral support
Click here to learn more:
Tuesday, September 24, 2019. 6 pm, Orange
Come and meet the next Congresswoman for District 45, Deputy Attorney General Peggy Huang. The district includes Irvine, Tustin, North Tustin, Villa Park, Rancho Santa Margarita, Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, as well as parts of Anaheim, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Orange.
Peggy Huang immigrated with her family at the age of 7 from Taiwan, became a US Citizen and has been a registered Republican since age 18. She is a graduate of University High School in Irvine, UC Berkeley and received her law degree from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.
She currently serves as 1st Vice Chair of OCGOP, city councilwoman and a former mayor, Transportation Corridor Agencies, OC Vector Control District, Regional Council for CA Agencies of Governments and chairs the Community, Education and Human Development Committee and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment Subcommittee.
Come meet this remarkable woman who will invigorate the changes needed in our House of Representatives!
Saturday, September 21, 2019. 9 am, Seal Beach
We will be supporting Seal Beach's "Save Our Beach" organization with Seal Beach Cleanups
Check in the parking lot at the Blue Canopy. We provide gloves, bags and pickers, so please bring a reusable water bottle, if needed, so we make less trash. Our trash bags were donated by and were made from recycled plastic bottles. You’ll need to bring the bags back to the blue canopy and take out recycle items and then empty remaining trash into the blue dumpsters. Cleanup happens – rain or shine
There will be two locations for the Saturday, September 21st cleanup – our regular 1st St. location and at the base of the Seal Beach Pier. Parking permits will be provided for both locations for the duration of the cleanup only.
Friday, September 20, 2019. 11:30 am, Oceanside
We are partnering this year with the 11th Marines Ceremonial Garden on their 3rd Annual Benefit Golf Tournament. Put together a foursome or two. We are anticipating a great turnout so sign up now! Your participation will help us to build this serene place to honor all those we have given the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for your support.
Scramble Format • ABC Flights • Awards • Games • Lots of fun!
Thursday, September 19, 2019. 6 pm, Irvine
Come join our hosts Kelly Ernby and Ben Yu for Assembly in meeting Bestie Cakes, a creative cake business based out of Los Angeles, CA. You have a chance to sample their delicious and BEAUTIFUL cakes!
Wednesday, September 18, 2019. 2:00 pm, Irwindale
Sriacha is a popular Southeast Asian-style hot chili sauce, manufactured in the US since 1980 (and named after a city in Thailand). The formerly top secret spicy condiments factory now welcomes public tours.
Visitors board 14-seat golf cart mini-buses for part of the half hour tour, and samples are provided. There's a souvenir shop called The Rooster Room.
We have a reservation for 20 people. All are welcome to RSVP but members will receive priority.
Monday, September 16, 2019. 5:30 pm, Tustin
Come meet our next Congresswoman for District 48 which includes Aliso Viejo, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Newport Beach, Seal Beach and parts of Garden Grove, Midway City, Santa Ana and Westminster.
Michelle Eunjoo Park Steel is an Korean-American Republican government official. She is a member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and a former member of the California State Board of Equalization.
Steel was born in Seoul, South Korea. Her father was born in Shanghai to Korean expatriate parents. Steel was educated in South Korea, Japan, and the United States. She holds a degree in business from Pepperdine University and an MBA from the University of Southern California; she is fluent in Korean and Japanese.
Come meet this amazing woman who will revitalize the change needed in our House of Representatives!
Saturday, September 14, 2019. 3:30 pm, Mission Viejo
It's time for us to stand up as Asian Americans for a President who has rated the lowest unemployment rate for us. He has fought for us as part of his "America First" campaign. Many of us come from immigrants or are immigrants ourselves and understand the value of what citizenship in the United States means to us.
Come spend an afternoon with a group of movers and shakers - many of us are not even officially part of either political party or leaning! Facts over feelings. Progress over emotions.
Join the movement today because your voice matters to our community.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019. 6 pm, Upland
Come join us for an evening of dinner, networking, and learning.
We have added Alyssa Leones, a Filipino who came to the United States at 7 years old and is studying to become a nurse and ultimately help the elderly. We will also feature Vicki Coffman, founder of Encourages Counseling & Training Centers, inc as well as Eliza Leones Boucher an RN and PHN for CA state and Orange County Mental Health Services.
We have partnered with Reach Out who will have Michelle Holguin and Beatric Mendoza speaking on their behalf to learn more about our community's drug problem and what we can do to help. As always, a complimentary dinner will be provided.
Friday, September 6, 2019. 1 pm, Pasadena
Visitor parking is available free of charge.
All tours include a multimedia presentation on JPL entitled "Journey to the Planets and Beyond," which provides an overview of the Laboratory's activities and accomplishments.
The tour lasts between 2-2.5 hours. The walking distance for the tour is approximately 0.8 miles with multiple flights of stairs.
JPL requires that all U.S. citizens, 18 years of age or older, present official, government issued photo identification (driver's license or passport) before being allowed entry. All non-U.S. Citizens 18 years of age or older must present a passport or resident visa (green card) before being allowed entry. Individuals without proper identification will not be admitted to the Laboratory. Please be advised that tours involve a considerable amount of walking and stair climbing. Wheelchair access can be accommodated with advance notice, however wheelchairs cannot be provided. Don't forget to dress for the weather as the tour will proceed rain or shine! Cameras are permitted on the facility.
Sunday, August 25, 2019. 4 pm, Tustin
AIB2B Corporate Member Benjamin Yu has been a valuable player in our organization. He embodies our core values and is a man of action. Ben is a total disabled-veteran of the US Army and a successful hospitality entrepreneur, president of OMNI Partners. Mr. Yu is also a great patriot. We are proud to introduce him to the community. Come by for some delicious poke on Sunday afternoon and chat with Ben one on one.
Friday, August 23, 2019. 10:30 am, Los Angeles
In the past year, the Los Angeles Times plant printed more than 195 million newspapers. Each week, 3,764,858 complete newspapers roll off of the presses. Watching the team work, the presses run and the robots move the giant rolls of paper provides a glimpse behind the scenes of what we like to call “the daily miracle.” We invite you to experience the printing process – and see what happens before a newspaper lands on your doorstep.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019. 6 pm, Oceanside
Join us to help raise money for the 11th Marines Ceremonial Garden.
In recognition of the service and sacrifices of our Marines and Sailors, "The Friends of the 11th Marines" are leading a campaign to raise money to fund the 11th Marines Ceremonial Garden.
In the fall of 2015, the Commanding General of the 1st Marine Division asked the Commanding Officer of 11th Marines why they did not have a memorial site at Las Pulgas to recognize the regiment’s fallen Marines and Sailors. In response to the CG’s challenge, and with some guidance from the Regimental Commander, a group of retired Marines from 11th Marines began the process to establish such a site.
Learn more about the project here:
Thursday, August 15, 2019. 6 pm, Carson
AIB2B is proud to support Filipino American independent film "Yellow Rose" after seeing this masterpiece at the opening night of the LA Asian Pacific Film Festival.
RSVP to this event means you are joining AIB2B's group for a discount off the regular price. We will contact you after you RSVP.
Synopsis: Rose, an undocumented 17 year old Filipina, dreams of one day leaving her small Texas town to pursue her country music dreams. Her world is shattered when her mom suddenly gets picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Rose, facing this new realty, is forced to flee the scene, leaving behind the only life she knows, and embarks on a journey of self-discovery as she searches for a new home in the honky tonk world of Austin, Texas.
Featuring Tony Award Winner Lea Salonga, Dale Watson, Princess Punzalan, Gustavo Gomez ("The Walking Dead") and starring two-time Tony award nominee Eva Noblezada in a breakout role! The film has already bagged the Grand Jury Award at three prestigious film festivals, the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, the Bentonville Film Festival and the CAAMFest37.
Thanks to the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NAFFAA) on their National Empowerment Conference (NEC) and their collaboration on this special screening. This special screening is happening in conjunction with the National Empowerment Conference (NEC) of NAFFAA, the National Federation of Filipino American Associations, which is holding their 3-day conference in Carson this year.
The film will be preceded by a special presentation from NAFFAA who will be awarding their Trailblazer Award to, co-founding member of the multi-Grammy award winning international hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas.
A discussion with Producer Rey Cuerdo, Director Diane Paragas and actress Princess Punzalan will occur immediately after the screening.
This is ONLY Southern California screening of the film.
Saturday, August 10, 2019. 9 am, Lake Forest
A day for parents and local educators to connect and help choose the best path of education for the future. Parents, you have choices to achieve your goal of quality education for your children. 35+ local vendors will be exhibiting including after school tutoring, ESL and foreign language programs, specialty modules, nonprofit support for public school education, charter schools, private schools, homeschooling and many many more! In addition, we will have food options, designer sticker pack giveaways (to every attendee and bundles for our schoolteachers with proof of ID), and many many more giveaways.
Saturday, August 10, 2019. 6 pm, Lake Forest
AIB2B will be gathering our friends and supporters to continue to fuel the tremendous growth of AIB2B, launch the charitable "People Encouraging People" org, and its related initiatives.
This exclusive fundraising reception will feature bold leaders like viral content creator Elizabeth Heng, and keynote speaker, basketball leader Harvest Smith, who retained his Christian values in his professional basketball career and his second career in the entertainment industry at NBC Universal. We will also feature Academy Award winning African American filmmaker, Errol Webber.
Marc Ang and Irving Kau will also speak on the bright future ahead for Asian Industry B2B and People Encouraging People. and opportunities to further impact communities and promote our values.
Your ticket is tax deductible. Federal EIN: 83-3945649
Buy your discounted online ticket now: https://
Thursday, August 1, 2019. 5 pm, City of Industry
Tuesday, July 23, 2019. 9 am, Los Angeles
The Erasto R. Batongmalaque Foundation and the Filipino Veterans Foundation are partnering with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and Military and Veteran Affairs County of Los Angeles to provide supplemental nutrition assitance to veterans, veteran widows, veteran children and extended family caring for a veteran. If you know any veterans in the Los Angeles area, they are welcome to partake!
Veterans, please bring (one) of the following: VA Card, Veteran ID card, DD 214, Spouse ID card, or a letter from partner organization with letterhead
Veterans will receive: food and food items, resources for help in their community, information on veteran organizations
We will be spending a morning in Los Angeles serving food to veterans and their families. This will be the beginning of a series of serving opportunities with these great organizations to show those who have served our country how grateful we are for their priceless contributions.
If you have any questions, please contact our AIB Ambassador Lloyd Boucher at
Thursday, July 18, 2019. 6 pm, Fountain Valley
Our Filipino celebration is an event for our cultural community to come together and spend a night dedicated purely to Filipino culture, food and to have an honest discussion about best practices to uplift Filipino businesses to the next level. Thank you to our venue host, corporate member Lloyd Boucher, who will host us in Fountain Valley. Space is limited so RSVP now. Elected officials will be attendance, especially our honorary Filipinos. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 17, 2019. 7 pm, Anaheim
A special Angels day for our veterans and members of AIB2B and Words of Comfort Hope and Promise, honoring our active military, marines and veterans. You can only attend if you are a member.
Friday, June 21, 2019. 10 am, Irvine
Free Wheelchair Mission is a faith-based, humanitarian, nonprofit organization that manufacturers low-cost, durable wheelchairs for those living with a disability in developing nations.
Come for a special opportunity to learn what how our community is reaching those overseas and how you can get involved today.
Space is very limited. Light refreshments provided.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019. 6 pm, Irvine
Chinese American Citizens Alliance is a non-partisan Chinese American fraternal, benevolent non-profit organization founded in 1895 in San Francisco, California to secure equal rights for Americans of Chinese ancestry and to better the welfare of their communities.
Join us for an opportunity to see the new blood in Orange County officially inducted.
Saturday, June 15, 2019. 12 pm, Arcadia
Come for an afternoon of relaxation with fellow AIB2B members who are already nostalgic about The Kentucky Derby. We will have exclusive access to the club house with private tours. Fun, food, and of course, horses!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019. 5 pm, Diamond Bar
AIB2B is proud to present our first business expo at the beautiful Diamond Bar Center as we enjoy the sunset while featuring innovative businesses from a variety of different industries.
A special incentive is to promote collaboration and TEAMS by incentivizing businesses to bring their favorite nonprofit. We will also have a special "innovative" startups component and investor activity, looking for the next big innovative company.
AIB2B's expo will be a huge show of unity for the community with a special twist. Come join us for the biggest event of the year.
Friday, June 7, 2019. 6 pm, Rowland Heights
Save The Date: June 7th, 6 pm. Join us for a fundraiser to help usher in an Asian American voice for the 39th.
Thursday, June 6, 2019. 7 pm, Anaheim
Only for members
Tuesday, June 4, 2019. 6:30 pm, San Diego
AIB2B, in partnership with The Orange Club Foundation and San Diego Asian Americans For Equality presents his sixth installment in our series. Our journey brings us to San Diego where we will convey important fact based information about the latest changes in the sex education curriculum. Straight from the actual law and examples of the curriculum, as well as an overview of legal rights and solutions.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019. 9 am, Santa Ana
Join us once a month to pray and discuss how we can share our values with the community. We will be working with the city and other agencies to put together events to celebrate cultures and businesses and to evangelize in the process.
Monday, June 3, 2019. 6:30 pm, Lake Forest
Friday, May 31, 2019. 9 am, San Bernardino
Please join us on May 31st Friday morning to help Santa Claus Incorporated! from 9 am to noon. We are also collecting bottles of sunscreen to complete camp bags. Please let us know if you have sunscreen you can donate! AIB2B will schedule pickups.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019. 5 pm, Orange
Yu Garden is a gem of a restaurant. 4 and a half stars on Yelp. This restaurant is the package: great food, great prices, great service. Our mission is to tell the world about Yu Garden and ensure that business owner Louie Wang survives, and that he fulfills his mission of sharing authentic Chinese food to the Orange community. Louie's signature dishes are the soup dumplings (xiao long bao) which rival Din Tai Fung's, and his "lion's head meatballs" which have the perfect flavor and texture.
Come join us on May 28th, as we come in and patronize the store. Everyone is welcome to patronize on their own or to pay $15 for the community table to share "All You Can Eat" dumplings and meatballs and other dishes. Please RSVP as space is limited.
Sunday, May 26, 2019. 1 pm, Anaheim
Only for members
Tuesday, May 21, 2019. 4 pm, Winchester
AIB2B Presents Temecula Valley Mixer at STAT Horse Sanctuary, where we feature the great work of Pattie Roberts. We also bring businesses together to mingle and network in the Temecula Valley, led by TriNet's Edwin Esteron, who has a heart for community and quality business connections.
A unique business networking experience, as AIB2B hosts a Temecula valley launch at STAT Horse Sanctuary, showcasing our philanthropy focus. Local chambers of commerce and community leaders will be in attendance and great food and wine provided.
Monday, May 20, 2019. 7 pm, Anaheim
Only for members
Saturday, May 18, 2019. 12 pm, Fullerton
After successful showings in LA, San Bernardino and South OC, we continue to change attendees' lives and perspectives, by bringing "Trafficked" to South Orange County on April 6th. We are proud to welcome Senator Ling Ling Chang, a fighter for the cause, and to feature survivor Shari Ho, who was trafficked at age 7 but saved 20 years later in Newport Beach, a story that will inspire and give hope. We will also hear from local nonprofits, such as Willow International and iSanctuary, law enforcement and talented producer Conroy Kanter, with the biggest heart for the cause and for Asian film. Come by and learn how you can save a life.
Friday, May 17, 2019. 6 pm, La Quinta
Join us for an evening in Coachella (bilingual Spanish and English) learning about what our children are learning in public schools today. Times have changed and so have our curriculum. Does the new education format reflect our values in the community today? Come learn, ask questions, and engage.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019. 6 pm, Irvine
让我们开诚布公地探讨:公立学校到底在强调什么?Informing the Chinese community in Irvine about curriculum changes around sex education. There are many things changing in the next school year that parents should be made aware of, as well as their options.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019. 6:30 pm, Costa Mesa
Join us for an evening of story telling. We will have guests that come from all parts of the world share their unique narratives with us whether it be through immigration or due to political turmoil. Bring your questions and curiosities to ask our special guests. We will also have a student panel to discuss their thoughts.
Saturday, May 11, 2019. 10 am, Placentia
AIB2B is looking for veterinarians and technicians that would be willing to volunteer for a couple hours to implant microchips at Senator Ling Ling Chang’s free pet microchipping event.
Here are event details. RSVP required.
Senator Ling Ling Chang invites you to bring your dog or cat for a free pet microchipping event on Saturday, May 11th at Placentia Library District from 10AM-1PM.
If your pet already has a microchip, you are invited to check their existing microchip.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019. 6 pm, Orange
AIB2B is proud to partner with the Alzheimer's Association of Orange County, where we will feature an informative session about Alzheimer's and inform the community about this silent killer. We will feature speakers, Daniel Gaytan of Alzheimer's Association who will give ways for us to help, as well as pioneer in Alzheimer's research, Messias Soares of CBio, and Bill Preston, a social entrepreneur of Roots Worldwide, LLC.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019. 11:30 am, Orange
Tuesday, May 7, 2019. 9 am, Santa Ana
Friday, May 3, 2019. 10 am, Fountain Valley
Join us for a members only tour of the Yakult Factory in Fountain Valley, CA. You will be introduced to the world of probiotics and see how it's incorporated as a health product into one of our favorite childhood drinks!
Member Price: Free
Non-members: $150 (includes one-year AIB annual membership)
Wednesday, May 1, 2019. 8:15 pm, Costa Mesa
Chinese Spotlight – "Baby"
At the age of 19, starting work as a cleaner in the local children’s hospital, Jiang Meng encounters a baby born with the same congenital defects she herself suffered from. Faced with a barrage of high risk operations, the father has decided to refuse treatment and take the baby home with him – condemning his daughter to a certain death. Jiang Meng will stop at nothing to rescue this newborn girl who mirrors so closely who she once was.
Tickets to this film can be purchased on their own or with a Pacific Rim Showcase Party ticket.
Live Performance and Pacific Rim Showcase Party
Please join us for the Newport Beach Film Festival’s Pacific Rim Showcase Party, honoring the best in Asian and Australian filmmaking. Hosted by Time Nightclub and featuring top entertainment and hors d’oeuvres prepared by award winning Orange County restaurants. Hosted bar by Tito’s Vodka. Tickets to this event can be purchased on their own or with Pacific Rim spotlight films.
Friday, April 26, 2019. 7 pm, Buena Park
AIB2B is proud to partner with the Source OC to present an Indonesian cultural celebration featuring the movie "Bali: Beats of Paradise", an award winning documentary produced by Livi Zheng. Zheng will be joined by executive producer Julia Guow and they will speak about this great piece of art.
"Bali" is a Music documentary, featuring Grammy Award Winning Artist Judith Hill (20 Feet From Stardom) and Indonesian composer Nyoman Wenten, who pull back the curtain on Gamelan music.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019. 6 pm, Walnut
Join us for an evening learning about what our children are learning in public schools today. Times have changed and so have our curriculum. Does the new education format reflect our values in the community today? Come learn, ask questions, and engage experts.
Saturday, April 20, 2019. 9 am, Seal Beach
AIB2B is excited to go green on 4-20! We will be helping to clean up Seal Beach with many other community groups so come out and clean the beach, do good and meet other wonderful people who care for the environment.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019. 11 am, Irvine
AIB2B presents our health and wellness committee, featuring published author Mike Pestano, who has a compelling story of overcoming severe health issues and losing weight. He will share his tips on overcoming obstacles and his holistic approach. Sherill Franklin, nutrition expert, will also share tips on efficient weight and shedding some light on the American phenomenon of high calorie, low substance diets. This will be set in the beautiful Orient Retreat Spa in Irvine, where Mike will be preparing a nutritious meal for our small exclusive guest list. RSVP now. Slots are limited.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019. 6 pm, Fullerton
Jinah Yi's message: "Dear School Teachers and Principals. I know how hard it is to be a teacher with all the pressure regarding the changes in content and sex education. I would like to invite all public school teachers and principals with the same heart for our kids to hear the wisdom from those fighting for public school teachers."
Saturday, April 6, 2019. 2 pm, Laguna Woods
After successful showings in LA and San Bernardino, we continue to change attendees' lives and perspectives, by bringing "Trafficked" to South Orange County on April 6th. We feature survivor Shari Ho, a story that will inspire and give hope. We will also hear from local nonprofits, law enforcement and producer Conroy Kanter. Come by and learn how you can save a life.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019. 6 pm, Santa Ana
Join us for an evening in Santa Ana (bilingual Spanish and English) learning about what our children are learning in public schools today. Times have changed and so have our curriculum. Does the new education format reflect our values in the community today? Come learn, ask questions, and engage.
Saturday, March 30, 2019. 12 pm, Arcadia
*Note: Rescheduled due to race track closures* Free Club House admission tickets for our AIB2B members to the race track on a Saturday. Meet out front at noon and the first post is 12:30. The scheduled race is the San Luis Rey Handicap, an American Thoroughbred horse race. The Grade II event is open to horses of either gender, age four and up, willing to race one and one-half miles (12 furlongs) on the turf. The race normally begins on Santa Anita's downhill chute; from this position horses race down the hill and cross the dirt track before running one complete lap of the main turf course.
Thursday, March 28, 2019. 6 pm, El Monte
AIB2B and TOCF are proud to present a bilingual (Mandarin Chinese and English) event featuring a documentary film and discussion on important state and local issues around changes to the California Department of Education curriculum and building projects in El Monte, such as a marijuana facility in close proximity to local schools. This is a chance for the community to be informed about how changes will affect children's reading materials this year, choice of subject matter, and overall parental involvement. These issues call to question a bigger picture discussion of how public school values are aligned or not aligned with Asian values, which we will discuss. Free admission.
TOC Foundation is a 501 c(3) non-profit organization primarily serves the interests of Chinese American community.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019. 6 pm, Brea
AIB2B presents a "Dinner and Movie" monthly gathering for members to bond over Asian food (family style) and film (preferably Asian). We want to keep the group small, so ensure you RSVP beforehand as this is limited capacity.
At 6 pm, we gather at the restaurant, enjoy some great dishes and decide which movie we will watch around 7:30 pm. On February, we will be gathering at Pho Ha for some delicious Vietnamese food in the beautiful town of Brea.
Thursday, March 21, 2019. 6:30 pm, Santa Ana
Only available to members.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019. 6 pm, Pasadena
AIB2B's March monthly mixer will be held in Pasadena at the historic Bank of the West. We will feature innovative businesses in the San Gabriel Valley and enjoy fellowship with great dinner provided by Bank of the West.
Monday, March 4, 2019. 8 pm, Irvine
Coming from Boston, Cheryl Gaeta founded and leads AER8, a revolutionary in-bottle wine aerator that is positioned in the neck of a wine bottle like a standard cork. As consumers pour through the AER8, the tunnels and flutes of the product increase contact with oxygen, instantly aerating the wine and allowing for an immediate pour with the taste equivalent of hours of decanting.
On Monday, March 4th at 8PM at EMC Seafood in Irvine AER8 will provide an exclusive presentation, wine taste test, and opportunity for VIPs as a sneak peak into the industry
Wednesday, February 20, 2019. 6 pm, Santa Ana
The AIB2B Faith Committee is meeting to accomplish two important goals this year: #1, to bring awareness to human trafficking causes and #2, to inform parents about the Department of Education curriculum changes and to give tools to concerned parents on how to become more involved and to shape their children's education positively.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019. 6 pm, Irvine
AIB2B is proud to kick off the new year with a great mixer on education. What we stand for is a unique approach, focused on results around true learning. EON Uptime is our event sponsor and host, and will be welcoming everyone into their beautiful hi tech office in Irvine, where augmented reality is a tool for teaching languages within a 1-year time frame. Dongchen International Education, event sponsor, will introduce their cross cultural approach to educaiton. Our educational lead, Chi Ni, will also discuss the future powered by STEAM and an important arts, innovation and collaboration component into traditional STEM. You do not want to miss this!
Tuesday, January 22, 2019. 7 pm, Seal Beach
AIB Political kicks off the new year with an important runoff election in Seal Beach. The Asian community's good friend, Peter Amundson, has advanced in the runoff and is AIB's pick for next council member. Pete grew up in the San Gabriel Valley with roots in Arcadia, and works in the logistics industry in the City of Industry. We will be providing delicious Asian food. We cordially invite Seal Beach residents to come out and get to know Pete in an intimate setting and his vision for Seal Beach. Non-residents are welcome but must purchase a $50 ticket.
Saturday, January 12, 2019. 6 pm, Highland
Due to overwhelming demand and a successful showing in Los Angeles that changed the attendees' lives and perspectives, we are bringing "Trafficked" to San Bernardino on January 12th. Once again, we will hear from the community law enforcement and nonprofits fighting the fight in ground zero, San Bernardino, which is one of the biggest hubs for the sex trafficking trade. Come by and learn how you can save a life.
Friday, January 11, 2019. 12:30 pm, Temecula
AIB2B is proud to kick off the new year to honor our members with a wine tasting tour in Temecula, the white wine capital of the world. This exclusive event is available to our members, who can also bring non-member guests for an affordable $50 experience, which will include pizza at 12:30 and a kickoff at Wilson Creek Wineries. Then we will be making our way to Ponte, South Coast and Bel Vino. Everyone will get to try 11 wines. Please RSVP now as slots are limited.
Thursday, December 20, 2018. 11:30 am, San Clemente
If you are able to attend we are meeting at Carl's Jr. inside the restaurant at 11:30 am. I will be going over the assignments and you may want to order lunch before we leave to Camp Pendleton to set up anddecorate.
Address: 3929 S El Camino Real, San Clemente, 92672
Party goes 4:00 PM-8:00 PM.
Directions: 5 South, exit Harbor DR/Vandegrift/Camp Pendleton, turn left toward the main gate and stay on the far right hand side where the sign says, Visitors. All drivers must show valid drivers license and inform the guard that you are attending the Christmas party for 3rd Tracks. (Due to security, the base now requires the names, drivers license #, and date of birth of all civilians entering the base. Can you please email to me your information and I will forward your information to SSgt. Ryan Cronin).
Pass the guard and keep right following the Del Mar sign. Turn right onto Wire Mountain Road-- which will turn into A street; go over the bridge past Vandegrift St.
Turn left onto Harbor Street, drive to the end and turn right onto Kraus St., drive a few blocks, large building is on the left hand side, look for building # 210577. You can park across the street in the parking lot.
Please RSVP if you are able to attend and we hope to see you on 12/20.
Saturday, December 15, 2018. 5 am, Garden Grove
For all you early birds, come out and help a great cause to bring smiles to many children with autism and the community at large. Volunteers are needed as early as 5 am. The event starts at 10 am, so come whenever you want. Please RSVP to and let us know which shifts you will be working.
Saturday, December 8, 2018. 6 pm, Arcadia
AIB has had an incredibly productive and impactful 2018. Please help us continue our work by attending our Christmas Gala! Ticket purchase includes free membership for 2019 and a voucher for a discounted table at our May 2019 Expo. Wow. So many perks. What a deal.
There will be a silent auction and many of our community partners and elected officials in attendance.
Sponsorships are also available, which gets you free admission to the event and membership/advertising perks. Email for more details and sponsorship information packages.
We're like Oprah! The gifts just keep on giving.
Note: If you want to avoid Eventbrite fees, you can write a check payable to "Asian Industry B2B", mailed to 3628 Lynoak Dr. Suite 203, Claremont, CA 91711
Tuesday, November 20, 2018. 12 noon, Westminster
AIB2B has been kindly invited by TP Food Processing for a special lunch and tour of the facility. We are so honored! First priority will be given to members and sponsors, and then general admission (First RSVPs take priority).
Wednesday, November 14, 2018. 6 pm, Irvine
AIB2B is excited to have our 2nd annual November monthly mixer featuring a Veteran's Tribute tribute to our military. This time, we will be in Orange County at the PGA Tour Superstore. We will be paying tribute to the many groups that help our military and veterans, as well as featured veterans who will share stories about their service.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018. 12 pm, Culver City
Based on the famous animal abuse court case of a mother-daughter duo, Million Loves in Me 寵我 is an award-winning #GoldenGlobes submission from Malaysia/HK, and a tribute to love in life's most unexpected circumstance. #awff2018
Watch it at Oct 28 & 30 @ Arclight Culver City, FOLLOWED BY Q&A with star Ruby 狄妃!
Get your tickets:…/films/million-loves-in-me/
Sunday, October 21, 2018. 3 pm, Orange
Former Mayor and current City Councilwoman Peggy Huang will be talking about her achievements in Yorba Linda to protect businesses and families. She is a Taiwanese immigrant and rising star in the world of politics, embodies our organization's values. Please join us for a nice Sunday afternoon and a beautiful sunset.
Friday, October 19, 2018. 5 pm, Arcadia
Network and drink complimentary boba with friends in the community to learn about community issues and ways to get involved, and to fight issues such as crime, housing and increased taxes in Arcadia.
Friday, October 19, 2018. 12 Noon, Arcadia
All pastors are invited to "A Pastor's Duty To Inform", a partnership between Marc Ang and the American Renewal Project. There are two flavors for this event: a 2 day conference in Riverside (please email Marc directly at or a condensed working lunch on Friday October 19. Take your pick. All meals (and lodging in Riverside) provided.
Friday, October 12, 2018. 8:30 am, San Bernardino
Come join us in the spirit of giving and helping others - Our volunteers will be creating packages for under-priviledged children!
RSVP quick so that we can give a head count to Santa Claus Inc as to how many volunteers they should be expecting.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018. 6 pm, Chino
For the month of October, AIB2B is proud to host a joint event with our partners: A Candid Asian Discussion on Immigration, with a special subtopic on Student Visas and Workforce Considerations. We will be featuring panelists from across the political spectrum and the community and an expert speaker on statistical data. We also would love to hear your views and opinions on the issue in a Q&A session, so come on down for a night of discussion! Light dinner will be provided, as always. Refreshments are available for purchase to support our kind venue sponsor, the DES Club in Chino.
Saturday, October 6, 2018. 8 am, Buena Park
AIB2B would like to invite Buena Park residents and community leaders to support Mayor Virginia Vaughn who is a true hero for businesses and families at a local level.
Please help re-elect Virginia to ensure continued growth for Buena Park and Orange County for our growing Asian American population. This requires principled leadership that understands the unique character of the city and our Asian American values.
Friday, September 28, 2018. 6 pm, Glendale
In order to raise awareness on Human Trafficking, AIB2B will be screening the film "Trafficked". "Trafficked" was released last year and the movie revolves around three young women who were forced into slavery in the international sex trade. This movie is a perfect depiction of the struggles faced by the victims of human trafficking. In this event, we would have key cast and crew members of the movie come and speak briefly about the film including a panel and nonprofit professionals dedicated to the fight. We will then proceed to screen the actual movie.
Sunday, September 23, 2018. 1:30 pm, North Hollywood
Join AIB2B to support our Asian creatives. We will be meeting in front of El Portal at 1:30 for a quick hello and then proceed to the show at 2.
Mannequin Man by Day, TENOR BY NIGHT
Mannequin Man by Day, Tenor By Night is a new, original musical written and composed by James Chiao, based on his life story.
His passion for opera soon gets him kicked out of the house by his wife. He then moves to the mannequin warehouse, where his tenor voice brings all mannequins to life ...
Friday, September 21, 2018. 6 pm, Tustin
Young Kim is not just our next Congresswoman for the 39th Congressional District, but presents principled leadership for the Asian community, addressing and representing Asian American issues with unprecedented attention and depth. AIB2B is so excited to work with rising Asian leaders like Young Kim and her former Assembly colleague (now State Senator) Ling Ling Chang, to bring a fresh and more nuanced on important societal issues such as smart policies around immigration, education admissions equality, the environment and meritocracy.
Thursday, September 13, 2018. 10 am, Garden Grove
The OC Asian Business Expo promotes business, economic growth, social and professional interaction among various emerging Asian and American markets in the U.S.
By targeting more than 110,000 Vietnamese Americans, 95,000 Filipino Americans, and 130,000 Korean Americans and Chinese Americans in Orange County, CA, the Expo is expected to generate goodwill throughout the community. It is also aimed at increasing purchasing power of Asian Americans, import/export opportunities, educating Asian-owned businesses the ability to obtain government supplier contracts, and working with large private organizations.
- Promoting business, economic growth, social and professional interaction
- Over 1000 guests in attendance include local business owners
- Strengthen your professional network
- Showcase your business to diverse and emerging markets / Open to Public
Free Labor Law Posters for First 1,000 Attendees
Free Flushots for First 100 Attendees
Free Screening for High Blood Pressure & Diabetes
Raffle Prizes / Giveaways / Exhibition
Wednesday, September 12, 2018. 6 pm, Yorba Linda
AIB2B is proud to present a showcase on breaking the cycle of poverty. This event will feature Gregory Bradbard, president of the Hope Through Housing Foundation, which breaks the cycle of poverty by delivering quality health and social services to families and seniors within National CORE affordable housing communities. With over 60 sites throughout SoCal, Hope Through Housing prepares youth for future self-sufficiency, creates economic mobility for families, and builds senior health and wellness Your experience will include a tour, dinner and refreshments. You won't want to miss this enlightening program!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018. 6 pm, Fontana
AIB2B is proud to present a showcase on breaking the cycle of poverty. This event will feature Gregory Bradbard, president of the Hope Through Housing Foundation, which breaks the cycle of poverty by delivering quality health and social services to families and seniors within National CORE affordable housing communities. With over 60 sites throughout SoCal, Hope Through Housing prepares youth for future self-sufficiency, creates economic mobility for families, and builds senior health and wellness Your experience will include a tour, dinner and refreshments. You won't want to miss this enlightening program!
Friday, July 20, 2018. 12:30 pm, City of Industry
Asian Industry B2B (AIB2B) in partnership with Huff Strategies, is bringing John Cox to meet with the Chinese community and media. John Cox is one of the top 2 contenders to advance into the general election for Governor of California. His candidacy is focusing on the pragmatic change he can bring to Sacramento. He shares the values of hard work and meritocracy, much in common with Chinese values and will be discussing key issues with us to show his care for the community.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018. 6 pm, El Monte
AIB2B is proud to present a showcase on Asian American film in July. This event will feature Minji Chang, a strong advocate for fair Asian representation in Hollywood, as well as Baldwin Chiu (Only Won), an accomplished rapper and Larissa Lam, a singer/songwriter in her own right. This husband-and-wife team created a great short film called "Finding Cleveland", which features a unique spin to Chinese immigrant communities in Mississippi. You won't want to miss this enlightening program!
Friday, June 29, 2018. 6 pm, Torrance
AIB2B is proud to launch its first expansion chapter in the South Bay. Join us in Torrance and get to know the leadership and to become part of our team. Our mission is to unite Asian American business owners and inspire them into meaningful action in charity and caring for the community, through meaningful action.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018. 6 pm, Santa Monica
AIB Political Committee presents an opportunity to meet Dr. Ken Wright, candidate for the 33rd Congressional District, focused on a federal solution to homelessness. This meet and greet will allow you to engage the candidate on his plan to solve one of Santa Monica's most persistent issues.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018. 6 pm, Chino Hills
AIB2B is humbled to present a showcase on human trafficking for safety month. This event will feature SERT Ministries, which does great work with their innovative approach to combating the sex trade, and Dr. Michael Schmitt, congressional envoy in Iraq, who saved many lives from trafficking during war. Thanks to our food and venue sponsor, Christine Shin of Finance of America Mortgage for making this happen. Come join us for a great evening of food, networking and learning!
Monday, June 4, 2018. 6 pm, Fullerton
AIB Political Committee, in partnership with Barbara Kerr, is hosting a special Get-Out-The-Vote Tax Revolt to bring attention to the gas price, vehicle registration fee and recorder fee increases. The action item is to vote Yes on Recall in SD-29. Come join us for some wine and cheese, and fellowship with fed-up business owners and to rally the troops to vote the next day for sanity and fairness to the working class!
Friday, May 18, 2018. 6 pm, Rancho Cucamonga
This is a special political committee event for AIB2B in the Inland Empire, held in conjunction with elevating Asian American candidate for Congress, Sean Masaki Flynn, author of "Economics for Dummies". He has an accomplished career in business, education and philanthropy, much in line with AIB2B values. Come join us for an intimate Friday evening at his headquarters for lots of Sean, networking and food.
Saturday, May 12, 2018. 4 pm, Torrance
This is a soft launch event for AIB2B in South Bay, held in conjunction with elevating the lone Asian American candidate for Torrance City Council, George Chen. If elected, he would be the only Asian city council member in Torrance, a city where 38 percent of the residents are Asian. Come join us for an intimate afternoon. Due to limited space, everyone is welcome to RSVP but priority would be first given to those who live in Torrance, or are community influencers.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018. 6 pm, Diamond Bar
AIB2B is proud to present the 39th Congressional District Debate. This big event will feature an out-of-the-box approach to debates that will allow you to get to know the candidates, Young Kim, Bob Huff, and Shawn Nelson. Come join us for a great evening of food, networking and learning.