Corporate Members
Antao Chien
H Saga Int'l

Peter Amundson
Minute Man Transport

Betty Tom Chu
TKC Legacy

Paul Rodriguez
City of Chino

Lloyd Boucher
One-Fifth Financial

Russell Reneau
Wells Fargo

Brian Jue

Joy Chen

Marc Ang
Mangus Finance

Robert Walters
Freight Management Inc.

Jianhui Wang
Rose Hills

Jericho Wang
Dongchen International Education

Nine Stars
Nine Stars

Chain Venture
Chain Venture

Lincoln Club
Lincoln Club of Orange County

Irvine Ranch Water District

City of Hope

John Park
Greater Irvine Republicans

Chris Cao
JAR Insurance

Conroy Kanter
KK Ranch Productions

Frank Mayor
Cinevision Global

Benjamin Yu
OMNI Partners

Individual Members
- Allan Sheu, Uulala
- Analia Anderson, Filmmaker
- Andy Huang, Nerovana
- Beth Fujishige, Rotary Club of Irvine
- Blanca Arellano, Hope Through Housing
- Bobby McDonald, Black Chamber Education Fund
- Casio Shyn Attorney, Biz Ops AI
- Charlene Chou, Orient Retreat Spa & Wellness
- Christy Romero, Job Source
- Christy Schroeder, National Core
- Curtis Chan, Chan & Associates
- David Bare, David Bare Insurance
- Deanne Tate, Veterans Outreach OC
- Desmond Chung, NY Life
- Duke Young, Advance Vietmy
- Dustin Lam, DL Creative Consultant
- Edwin Esteron, TriNet
- Eric Chan, Water Board San Gabriel
- Erik Estrada, Valley View Home Loans
- Gay de Perio, Gay de Perio Health
- Ginny Sand, Connect The Dots
- Hansel Orzame, Ekklesia
- Helen DiPanni, Lincoln Club
- Henry Tsao, Orient Retreat Spa & Wellness
- Howard Kummerman, Cypress College
- Isabella Qin, Shaolin Temple
- James Dickinson, JD IT Consulting
- Jane Schafer, Lifewave
- Jeannie Luong, Irvine Valley College
- Jeff Jen, Guan Yin Citta Temple OC
- Jerry Carlos, Eviction Professionals
- Jimmy Liu, Tang Group Inc.
- Jo Dickinson
- Joanne Wright, Joanne For Congress
- Jong Lee, RGL Holdings Limited
- Joseph Hwa, Young Life
- Joyce Lui, Southern California Edison
- Julie Nguyen, QD Prints
- Kenneth Smith, Federal Executive Board
- Lany Indrawati, Homequest Real Estate
- Larry Cabaldon, Boardroom Performance Group
- Leonchi Yip, Solar G
- Miguel Valencia, Job Source
- Mike Simpfenderfer, Branch Manager, Golden Empire Mortgage
- Molly Faulkner, KB Advisors LLC
- Mona Davies, Community Outreach Ministry
- Monica Yen Chang
- Noel Stone Parrish, Orange County Assessor's Office
- Patricia Cabaldon, Boardroom Performance Group
- Paul Avila, Paul Avila Insurance
- Paul Rodriguez, City Council Chino
- Ray Benito, Velur Enterprises Inc
- Raziel Arcega LNR Promotions
- Robert Wu, T.V.L. Global Logistics
- Rosie Avila, Liberty House
- Ruby Huey, Citizens Business Bank
- Ruth Wu, ThinkPro
- Sam Hooper, Money Machines Int'l
- Samantha Mark, New York Life
- Sanjeev Sankaran, Savi Innovation
- Scott Kwong
- Sean Flynn, Scripps College, Author of "Economics For Dummies"
- Sean Lee
- Sherill Franklin, Arbonne
- Socorro Fernandez
- Sunny Meagher
- Suzanna Choi, Tashiro Choi & Associates
- Ted Bui Cali, Legal Services
- Vijay Ingam, Author of "Almost Black"
- Wayne Lindholm, Lincoln Club
- William Hung
- Willie Guevara, SolarVast
- York Cai (Yu Cai), Epitome Academy / Magikid Robotics Lab
- "An excellent organization that provides networking, educational and business development events throughout the Greater Los Angeles area" - Kenneth Smith, Department of Homeland Security
- "Asian Industry B2B is the most dynamic organization when it comes to packing in people for mixers and events." - Mike Pestano, Published Author / Health Coach